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Let Us Return To The Garden!

Choir Master: Daddy, good morning, sir. How was your night? What of Mummy and all my aburos?

Pastor: Good morning brother Peter, how was your night too? What about sister Celia?But why are you here this early? Is there any programme slated for today that I am not aware of?

Choir master: I am very fine sir; Sister Celia is okay too. We don’t have any programme today, I just came around to check some of our instruments used on Sunday, whether they are properly kept, because I had left the service early on Sunday for other engagements and gave the assignment of keeping them safe to my subordinates.That is the reason I am here this early sir.

Pastor: Thank you, brother Peter, for taking your position and job very seriously.God Almighty, the owner of His Church will reward you mightily.You have been so wonderful in His vineyard.

Choir Master: That reminds me sir, we always talk about this vineyard these days as if it was different from the earlier garden. Yet, there is no recourse to how the whole thing started.We see it from the angle of only humans and the church, without looking back or checking the scriptures, to know the genesis.

Pastor: What do you mean brother Peter? Genesis of what? Vineyard? But that was how it has been used in the Bible, the “constitution” of the Christians. Check. Choir master:  Constitution ke? I think you are getting my drift, but the perspective is not clear to you. The first man God created, who was Adam, was given the task of tilling, weeding and keeping watch of the garden He created, which He handed over to him.In doing this task, he was joined with his wife until they went astray and driven out of the garden.

Pastor: But you said there is no programme here today, is this not Bible studies? Choir Master: Bible studies ke? No sir, I think we need to talk about this heritage that you mentioned, which God, through Adam, our forefather handed over to us, we hardly talk about it, instead, we talked about order esoteric occupations, which did not form the genesis of our existence.Since the church itself does not believe in this occupation, rather, apart from spiritual things, we only engage in other trivial things of the world which do not benefit humans or God.

Pastor: But Abraham, Issac, Jacob, in the Bible, were great farmers during their time. They were either into crops or animal husbandry or both.

Choir master: But why did we deviate? If truly the Bible is our constitution as you earlier said, why are we building all these schools? Bible schools, nursery, primary, secondary schools and universities, forgetting our forebears’ line of occupation.Most of our members cannot even afford to send their children or wards to these schools because of their high fees.

Pastor: Ours is to feed them spiritually, hence these schools. If you can read and write, you will understand the Bible better, you will hunger for eternal things rather than worldly things, which are ephemeral. Choir master: Ephe what? In my own view, we need to feed them physically first, and we need to redirect their state of mind on how to fish rather than how to eat fish.Let us establish farm settlements for our members. Who says there cannot be churches erected within farm settlements, what we have done with schools, I think are enough and okay for now, let us venture into farming for the benefit of our members and the country.With this, we would have towed the line of our lord, we should not allow the heritage handed over to us to die an unnecessary death.I am sure our members and the country at large will reap bountifully from there.May God Almighty help us pastor as we go back to the genesis of our existence.

Pastor: Thank you, brother Peter, don’t forget, our weekly revival starts tomorrow by 4.00pm at the agreed venue.God bless you.

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