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KABIYESI: Good morning, everyone, you are all welcome back, today is the last working day,and first meeting, after “My Report”. There is no gainsaying that a year has passed, since I mounted the stool or throne of my political forebears, the report we gave, when we were accounting for our stewardship would have been better and richer had it been all hands were on deck.

It is disheartening that some of us were given opportunities in order to prove ourselves on
various assignments, but we failed.
Though, I won’t count this against any of you for now, but those who fall into this category
should not overlook the day reckoning, those who believe that the position they occupy is for
self-aggrandizement, instead of using it for betterment of our people in every way possible
should be reminded too that their days are numbered in this palace. I say that because this
behavior will not go unpunished. Let us be remanded that we have signed a contract with our people, nothing and I say nothing, will change it.
The contract is for good deal in all facets of their life, where they will not worry about security
challenges, where nobody will go to bed hungry, unemployment will be a thing of the past ,
education will be given the right attention, power will be in our upper drawer in terms of priority, while teachers strikes will not be allowed because there will be a better working condition for leaders in the education sector.

The contract is for good deal in all facets of their life, where they will not worry about security challenges, where nobody will go to bed hungry, unemployment will be a thing of the past , education will be given the right attention, power will be in our upper drawer in terms of priority, while teachers strikes will not be allowed because there will be a better  working condition for leaders in the education sector.

Agriculture, yes Agriculture, will have our total attention in terms of policy and commitment.
All these are not utopia, and can never be, we can achieve it, and much more in this town if we are committed, there is every need to change the narrative.
Having dusted a year, it shouldn’t be just delivering on our promises, we should recharge to deliver more, I will implore all of you to remain focused.
The little challenge we have now, is the issue of how much to pay our employees at the lowest
cadre of services, which we are going to solve presently.
Though, all of us, from the two sides, I mean the leaders of service providers and the Kabiyesi
and his chiefs seems not to know the difference between wages and salary, but this is just a
discussion for another day anyway.
At this juncture, let me assure you, those who are ready to move forward with me should have nothing to fear, certainly, there will be a long knife for those who will want to make us a

Those who are ready to move forward with me should have nothing to fear, certainly, there will be a long knife for those who will want to make us a  laughing stock.

As you all know, at least, there won’t be any competition for this political stool until 2027 but tell those who are ranting both within and without through your performance, that there is no vacancy even beyond that time.

Going forward, our meetings will be short on words and time but positive and very productive in all the ways to solve our town’s problems.

Knowing full well, that prices of food stuffs and other commodities have gone up, there won’t be
any magic to solve this problem unless we roll up our sleeves, food security for our town is what we are focusing on, as we move into the second year.
To this end, these chiefs, must come to the next meeting with all they believe we should do to
attain food security for our people in the shortest possible time, our people won’t take excuses from us, not in this dispensation. The Chiefs are as follows, Chief for Agriculture, Chief for mineral matters, Chief for water and irrigation matters and representatives of Kabiyesi at both state and local council levels.

Please, do not take this as a one-way solution, since I did not give you opportunity of asking
questions or the opportunity to contribute, next meeting will be open to all this.
As we take our leave, let us have it at the back of our minds that the next three years would not be for the chicken hearted in terms of performance.
Wishing all of you an enjoyable weekend.

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